Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
Extended producer responsibility (EPR) aims to make producers responsible for the cost of collection, managing and recycling of packaging and incentivise them to make their products recyclable by modulating fees based on the recyclability of products. It will also aim to reduce unnecessary packaging, increase quality and reduce litter.
Producers who place packaging on the market will pay for 100% of the EPR charge.
In the UK the scheme is estimated to cost £1.7 billion pa for all packaging types.
Packaging is any material used to cover or protect goods that are sold to users. “Packaging activities” include:
Supply of “Own Brand” packaged goods to the UK market
Placing goods into packaging
Importing products in packaging
Owning an online marketplace
Hire or loan of reusable packaging
Supply of empty packaging.
EPR is additional to Producer Responsibility Regulations relating to packaging as well as other items.
What you need to do depends on whether you are classed as a ‘small’ or ‘large’ organisation, based on your annual turnover and the amount of packaging supplied or imported each year.
Most UK organisations which have a turnover of more than £1,000,000 per year and which use or supply more than 25 tonnes of packaging annually now need to collect and report packaging data if they carry out packaging activities in the UK. Some organisations may also need to report ‘nation data’. Reporting is on a 6-month cycle. Larger organisations with a turnover of more than £2m or which handle more than 50 tonnes of plastic packaging per year will be liable to pay.
Data to be collected and reported from 2024 onwards includes:
· Drinks containers
· Filling packaging
· Imported goods
· Definition of household packaging
· Supplying empty packaging to large organisations
· Seller’s responsibilities for packaging.
Data submission must include details of:
Packaging activity
Packaging type
Packaging class
Packaging material and weight.
Businesses, including importers, which may be affected by EPR must assess whether:
They must collect and submit reports on the packaging they use
Waste management, scheme administrator or regulators fees are payable
They need to obtain PRNs or PERNs in order to meet waste recycling obligations.
4 Eyes Ltd can support your business to ensure full compliance, timely reporting and accurate liability calculations.