VAT services
Our VAT services help UK and international businesses to be fully compliant with UK and EU VAT requirements with our expert staff acting as expert members of your team.
Our VAT services are tailored to your business as we work with you from planning to completion. Unlike other providers, we can coordinate compliance services across Europe and also advise on other related tax and reporting on a country specific basis.
VAT Advisory
VAT is a transaction based, self-assessed tax. It is essential that a trader considers the VAT implications of any transaction before proceeding. Once transactions have been entered into, the VAT position is effectively set in stone. Mistakes can be impossible or at best, difficult and costly to correct.
VAT Compliance
We can advise on VAT compliance and VAT planning. We offer training, VAT reviews and one-off advice on transactions. We can assist in negotiations with HM Revenue and Customs and can also approach HM Revenue & Customs for confirmation of your proposed VAT treatment for a future transaction where this is not clear from published guidance. We will routinely identify available VAT savings when reviewing projects.
VAT Partial exemption
A business is said to be partially exempt where it makes both VATable supplies and exempt supplies or supplies otherwise that by way of business. We can advise on the implementation of the most advantageous (and readily workable) partial exemption method and will also conduct periodic partial exemption reviews to check that the method is being operated correctly and that all recoverable VAT is being identified.
VAT second opinion
We have unrivalled experience in VAT specific accountancy and legal matters and can offer expert assistance to professional advisers or a second opinion to that of your established advisors, who may lack expertise in our specialised field.
VAT Land and Property
We have considerable expertise in VAT land and property issues, advising building companies; private developers; housing associations; charities; schools and colleges; etc. We will be pleased to provide an expert opinion as early as scheme appraisal stage for any project. We can also review recent projects or those currently underway to identify any possible savings.
VAT penalties and assessments
We are well positioned to assist clients and their advisors with negotiating with HM Revenue & Customs. In the case of HM Revenue & Customs raising assessments to tax, interest and penalties, we can quantify the error or omission and negotiate a satisfactory settlement with HM Revenue & Customs.
Civil and criminal counter investigation
With considerable experience in advising multinational, major UK and smaller businesses in the largest VAT, Excise and Duty/ Anti Dumping Duty cases, We’re strategically placed to advise your business how to achieve the optimal solutions, tailored to the needs of your business.
As present or former technical experts to the IMF, the World Bank, the Asia Development Bank and the Chartered Institute of Taxation on indirect tax investigation, we believe that our experience and results are without equal.
EU VAT One Stop Shop (OSS)
Businesses trading across the EU may be able to make use of a simplification to avoid the need for multiple VAT registrations - the so called One Stop Shop (OSS) or International One Stop Shop (IOSS).
We provide VAT registration and UK VAT agency services to non-UK businesses requiring a UK VAT registration. We are part of a leading EU VAT network and our partners can assist with your VAT registration and representation throughout the EU.
UK & EU VAT recovery
Working together with our EU VAT network, we can assist in recovery of EU VAT incurred for business purposes.
UK VAT agency
We are a leading supplier of VAT services to non-UK resident companies. These companies may be distance selling goods directly to consumers by internet or otherwise supplying ongoing goods and services to UK companies without having a permanent establishment in the UK.
International network
Working together with its EU VAT network, 4 Eyes Ltd provides specialist VAT advisory services to non-UK based companies trading in the UK and to UK or international companies trading throughout the EU. Our affiliation to this network ensures that our clients will always be advised by the appropriate national expert.
EU VAT coordination servive
For international businesses with operations throughout the EU, we can act as your single European point of contact for VAT compliance and recovery. We’ll provide a coordination service whereby we or our partner in each member state will act as your agent. You will receive a dedicated member of staff to deal with alone, who will liaise with our partners on your behalf.
EC Sales Lists
Working together with our EU VAT network, we can provide specialist VAT advisory services to non-UK based companies trading in the UK and to UK companies trading throughout the EU.
Where your business supplies goods or services within the EU to other EU businesses, you will be required to complete monthly or quarterly EC Sales Lists. 4 Eyes Ltd will act as agent in submitting these reports on your behalf through our electronic portal.
Working together with our EU VAT network, we provide specialist VAT advisory services to non-UK based companies trading in the UK and to UK companies trading throughout the EU.
We will analyse supplies to identify the correct Intrastat classification and will also act as agent in the preparation and submission of Intrastat returns.
Import VAT on parcels sold to the UK
Rules have been introduced which apply to businesses making distance sales of goods to the UK. The rules apply to all packages worth GBP 135 or less where the seller is not currently VAT registered and makes UK supplies in any 12-month period of under the UK GBP 70,000 distance sales VAT registration requirement.
We can undertake the registration process on your behalf and provide assistance in completing quarterly returns. If your turnover exceeds the VAT registration threshold, we can then VAT register you within the UK and act as your VAT agent.
UK EORI application
We have considerable experience in advising clients with multinational operations on importing goods to the UK or EU member states.
In order to import goods into free circulation within the EU, it is necessary to have an EORI number. This will usually be linked to your VAT number. We can apply for an EORI number on your behalf.
UK imports - Postponed VAT Accounting (PVA)
HMRC has updated its guidance relating to difficulties obtaining Monthly Postponed Import VAT Statements (MPIVS) which are needed to account for import VAT on VAT returns.
This is of interest to all GB VAT registered businesses that are importing goods into the UK from anywhere in the world. Those goods, when they enter the UK, will be subject to import VAT.