Safety and Security declarations
In response to feedback, HMRC have set out the current technical capability of Safety & Security GB (S&SGB) below.
S&SGB allows multiple consignments per ENS declaration, where all of the consignments have followed the same routing for their whole journey, from their country of origin to their final destination, and that all of the required details about each consignment are provided at item level (more guidance on this can be found in the reduced dataset spreadsheet).
Speak to your carrier, as they are legally responsible for making the ENS declaration for your goods to see whether you can meet the requirements. This may be the airline or haulage company who moves your goods. An agent or intermediary may be able to assist your carrier to meet obligations. HMRC and BF will work with carriers to ensure you are prepared to fulfil the requirements which commence on 31st January.
Updated guidance is at:
Overview for hauliers
Overview for importers
Overview for intermediaries