UK importers accused of dodging Brexit charges
The government has accused EU-importing businesses of intentionally and criminally misreporting key documentation to evade new Brexit border charges.
UK Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) overview
New compliance measures in pursuit of a more sustainable waste system.
EEA newsletter 8
The 8th newsletter of the European Excise Association (EEA). 4 Eyes Ltd is the member for services in the UK and Ireland.
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
Compulsory ERP reporting is now live. Is your business prepared?
Oil excise duties in the UK
The UK changed its excise duty regime for oils in 2022. Eligibility of oils for reduced excise duty rates was restricted and biofuels were brought within the scope of excise tax. Most oils for most purposes are eligible for duty relief under the Tied Oils Scheme which requires prior authorisation from HMRC.
Upper Tier Tax Tribunal judgement on Inward Processing Relief
Important case on Inward Processing
UK Tariff Suspensions from the 2023 application window take effect
New UK tariff suspensions enter force today.
7 weeks to go - New import controls are coming on 30 April
7 weeks to prepare for new import controls.
VAT: increasing the registration and deregistration thresholds
VAT registration threshold to increase to £90,000
UK Internal Market Scheme update
Traders will need to use their XI number for all imports.
1 Day to Go – SPS Import Controls from 31st January 2024
New import controls begin on 31 January 2024. Is your business ready?
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
On January 17 the Department for Business and Trade published a “summary of “EU guidance” on the EU CBAM as it impacts the UK.
UK importers and exporters facing huge rise in HMRC compliance audits
HMRC are raising record fines for failures in customs compliance.
2 weeks to go - New import controls wef 31 January
2 weeks to go until the introduction of new import controls.
VAT on electric car charging
HMRC have clarified that electric car charging is VAT standard rated.
Freemasons – Membership fees subject to VAT
The Upper Tribunal has upheld the decision of the First Tier Tribunal that the United Grand Lodge of England did not meet the conditions to exempt its supplies from VAT.
Reclaiming UK excise duty for alcohol
It may be possible to recover UK excise duty on returned goods but the process is not straightforward and is time limited and subject to minimum limits.
Prepare for changes for goods moving from the island of Ireland to Great Britain – 6 weeks to go
January changes to customs procedures for goods moving from the island of Ireland to GB.